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If WE were YOU we'd check out...

These are the mangas/animes that we'd suggest to a fellow Yaoi fan. We'll list the reasons why we reccomend it, some info about where to find it things.
By the Way: The Link under each picture is a link to the Amazon page that features the item (or number 1 of the series). If there's no link that means it's not on Amazon. Clicking on the pictures brings you to google so if you want to look up additional information you can.

Ai No Kusabi
Ahh...this is probably the oldest Yaoi anime that I've seen and it's pretty much a classic. Most Yaoi fans have watched it at some point or another. This is one of the VERY few things that can make Stycerin cry.  The setting is futeristic world where your station in life is pretty much dependent on your hair color, the darker it is, the lower down on the ladder you are. When a high-ranking "blondie", Iason Mink, takes the mongral, Riki, as his pet...many things happen. So watch it!!  The ending will probably make you cry so beware!
Where to buy it: We don't know...TELL US!
Where to see it: On Youtube you'll probably find parts of it, if not the whole thing.
While it's not exactly Ai No Kusabi, it's a cute manga with fun characters that'll make you laugh...and want to hit them on the head with a shovel. Oh, and by cute manga I mean sometimes there's Giant Robot Panda Bears that destroys cities. This is not a Hardcore least not the first series, actually very little is seen (but MUCH is implied). The main relationship takes place between bad-ass, romance novelist Erie-Yuki and excitable, adorable (in a puppy dog sorta way), rock musician Suiichi.
Where to get it: Anywhere that sells Manga will probably have it, because it's really popular.
Most people consider this series to be more Shonen-ai (light yaoi) then Yaoi because it's pretty much mostly kissing (at least at this point)...which is not all that intense. However, Soubi's need to be dominated by Ritsuka is nothing if not hot, hot, HOT. Well, okay some may find it creepy. However, since Soubi himself is hot, hot, hot and Ritsuka is probably one of the most adorable 6th graders I've ever seen, possibly this is because he has cat ears (all virgins in this universe do). Although, I feel obligated to warn you that while Ritsuka is in 6th grade Soubi is in college so if this is something that really turns you off then don't read.
There's actually quite a plot to this story, however since at this point there's only 4 volumes out I don't feel fit to explain it. So if you don't read uncompleted series, I'd suggest you wait.
Where to get it: It's another series that's quite popular so anywhere that sells manga is a safe bet.  
Update: Loveless is also avalible in Anime form, however Vendetta hasen't seen it yet (Stycerin has because she rocks so HardxCore). Don't worry...we will soon.
Sensitive Pornograph


OK. Now this is one of my (Stycerin's) personal favorites.

WARNING; this, as you can tell by the name, is basically porn. It is a manga but I've only seen the OAV, and in that you see everything.

Sensitive Pornograph(y) is about a half hour long and is in the form of two stories. The first is an adorable story about two writers, Seiji and Sono, and their love life and problems. It's really cute and has a good storyline.


The second story is just as explicit, and extremly unbelievable. But, of course, I love it just as much(and a little more.) it follows a pet sitter, Ueno, who's asked to watch a man's pet rabbit, Aki. After entering the apartment Ueno looks for the rabbit but cannot find it, but he starts to hear sounds coming from the closet, upon opening the door, Ueno comes upon the real Aki. A young boy ('bout 17) who is *Stycerin twitches with glee* tied up and handcuffed. Ueno freaks out for about 15 minutes before Aki tells him that his master "wanted this to happen* this turns out to mean hot sexxx. Of course nothing is blocked out. The animation in this OAV is some of the best I've seen.


for girls who like boys who like boys