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The Dawn of the Obsession!

So it Begins...

The short (or not) stories of V. Red & S. Kills
and how we became the obsessed shells of human beings(A.K.A rabid fangirls)
that we are today...

I'm Stycerin and I'll go first with this whole biography thing because Vendetta is taking advantage of my TV to watch Return of the Jedi. bitch.
ah, when I'm done here HANS SOLO WILL BE MINE!!!!!
*throat clear*
so yeah
        My story regrettably begins about the same as Vendetta's, with a little series called The Lord of the Rings. I was in sixth grade and was attempting to convince myself that it was NOT heathly, or normal, to wish desperatly for Legolas to begin making out with his elfin kin. 
        I managed to stifle my desire for Legolas and any other male elf, but not my urge to read fan written stories at a rapid pace. So I resorted to (before it became like NAZI Germany). In my day, was a place where you could write curse words and smut and no one tried to censor you, a beatiful place.
        I read a lot of fanfiction that year, all of it hetero stuff, some stories that implied things but never ones that came right out and threw it your face. Until later that year... I was in the middle of a PG-13 story (rated R in later chapters, gimme a break I was in 6th grade) and when I went back to surfing the main menu I noticed that little sub-link, the one that said SLASH. Now, me being me and not knowing all the FanFiction lingo and all that Jazz I clicked on it hopefully, thinking I had discovered a new section of fanfiction. I had. but not in any way I was expecting.
       I read about five words of the summary of a NC-17 story (I hadn't seen this rating in the regular LOTR pages, and decided this was a wonderful time to act like a big girl) and clicked it open. The summary had the words Legolas and Aragorn and LEMON in it, and they being my favorite characters and favorite fruit at the time it was really a no-brainer. So I began reading. And I read...and read...and read. And then I realized that Aragorn was being very friendly towards Legolas...very friendly.
     Well I got right in the middle of a chapter titled LEMON. I liked lemons, I was eagarly awaiting what I expected to be a chapter including Legolas and Aragorn sitting down and eating some lemons together or some such thing. you can imagine my reaction to my first LEMON was "Aragorn?...why are you touching Legolas like that?!!"
And then it hit me. Like the footstool my sister threw at me that morning... this was what I had been avioding all year...
     I panicked, thinking my parents were going to come down and see. Later on that day I brought up the courage to Google "slash" online. What I found changed my life forever. There was a whole world...a whole group of people who thought liked me, were as spastic as me, and liked boys on boys like me!!! The generally used term, I discovered, was YAOI, and I have devoted a lot of my waking hours to ranting about it and trying to convert my friends.
thank you,
and here's Vendetta, for your amusment:
Since Stycerin has decided to gift us with a novel, I'll try to keep this short(er) and sweet(er). Especially since most of my story is the same as hers.
When I got the internet in 6th grade a whole new world was opened.
*Insert tune of A Whole New World here*
I'd always been a freakishly avid reader.  I have the art of walking while reading a book down. So basically, I found the concept of fanfiction to be genius and I spent many an hour pouring over my computer when I got home from school. Needless to say this was about the time when I ditched doing homework.
My other obsession, besides fanfiction, was Lord of the Rings, so it was my chosen form of poison. And it was during one of these many hours when I stumbled across a Legolas/Aragorn SLASH tale. I clicked on the story, as a (slightly) innocent school girl, and by the time I was done, I was in the stages of becoming what is known as a Rabid Yaoi Fangirl. Then over time, and many, many fanfictions later, slash became Yaoi and I discovered my dear friend, Stycerin, was also an underground fangirl. That's pretty much my story in a nutshell, and it's how I got to be the marvoulous speciemen of fangirl that I am today. is my top Yaoi site (even though they do all sorts of pairings).  You should go there and donate to them so I don't have too.  
Much Love
Vendetta Red

About Us...

Dates of Birth: Stycerin: Sept. 16 Vendetta: May 10
Where are they?: U.S.A.
Education: trapped in high school
Family History:
Vendetta: ITALIAN, French Indian
Stycerin: Irish, German, Romanian

First Professional Roles: FANGIRLS!!!!
Astrological Signs:
Stycerin: Virgo
Vendetta: Taurus

Iason and Riki
The Classic Yaoi Couple.jpg
R.I.P *cries*

for girls who like boys who like boys